How to get the greatest possible benefit from your company data in the digital transformation...
Factory 4.0, digital transformation, disruption management, etc. Many terms are buzzing through the media and yet only want to say one thing: Companies that want to continue to be successful in the future have to face digital change and use their company data cleverly.
To react faster, to plan better, to avoid mistakes, to recognize opportunities and risks, to optimize processes, to become leaner, more robust and more efficient, to stay ahead of the competition.
For over 25 years, intellivate has been helping to set up the necessary processes with smart IT software, analysis and consulting to set up companies so that data becomes business and the digital transformation bears fruit as quickly as possible.
Product lifecycle management (PLM) and business process management (BPM) work as a well-coordinated tandem that offer outstanding digitization effects that generate new, urgent added value for companies: data and processes become an economic asset!
intellivate turns data into business.