Strong Partners

intellivate would not be intellivate without its partners. Regardless of whether you are a development partner, consulting partner or implementation partner, we maintain an extensive network of IT specialists and consultants in order to provide our customers with tailored support at all times and for every challenge.

If you would like to benefit from the many advantages as an intellivate partner in the areas of BPM / PLM or related topics, please contact us for more information. We are constantly expanding our growing network of experts.

Iyopro Competence Center

The IYOPRO Competence Center (ICC) was jointly established at the beginning of 2013 by the research and technology transfer center HITeC e.V. of the Hamburg Department of Computer Science and Intellivate GmbH, Hamburg, and has since been operated by HITeC in the Computer Science Department of the University of Hamburg. On the academic side, it is supported by lecturers from the (business) computer science courses of the Department of Computer Science, who are increasingly using the business process modeling software IYOPRO both in teaching and in applied research projects. By combining business process modeling and business process simulation new analysis and Opportunities for optimization both in university education and for companies in the business process management environment are offered. The Competence Center is intended to provide well-founded technical support (training, advice) for interested companies and can draw on relevant experience from academic teaching and applied research!

Department of Computer Science at the University of Hamburg

As part of a cooperation with the working group Modeling and Simulation (MBS) of Prof. Dr.-Ing. Bernd Page at the Department of Computer Science at the University of Hamburg, IYOPRO is supplemented by the ability to stochastic, discrete-event simulation of business processes. For this purpose, a special extension for the simulation library DESMO-J for mapping models of the standard notation BPMN 2.0 is being developed and integrated into the existing IYOPRO modeling tool. DESMO-J is a long-term university software development project for research, teaching and development and is used worldwide in a scientific and commercial context and is mentioned in numerous publications as a simulation tool used. As part of the project, the BPMN 2.0 will be expanded to include attributes that are required to run the simulation. Various stochastic distributions can be parameterized, which e.g. Determine the duration of an activity or the inter-arrival time of a process. This creates a tool for analyzing the dynamic behavior of business processes. With this, forecasts can be made about the runtime of processes, different process configurations can be compared and optimized and the allocation of resources also enables the identification of possible bottlenecks. An output channel, which was also developed within the scope of this project, shows the results of the simulation experiments in graphical form.

HGV Hanseatische Gesellschaft für Verlagsservice mbH

HGV is a service and solution partner for publishers and offers a wide range of products for everything to do with publishing content from a single source - from classic IT solutions to customer and financial services, production and logistics to digital delivery.


The TCI partners have an average of 20 years of experience in managerial and responsible positions as managing directors, divisional heads, CIOs, senior consultants in the information and communication technology (ICT), plant and mechanical engineering, automotive, manufacturing, energy supply, health, chemical industry, Banks and insurance companies.

Pawlik Consultants

Pawlik Consultants supports companies in turning their corporate goals into results by dissolving the tension between strategy, organization, people and culture and leading them to a coherent result. The cooperation with Pawlik is characterized by a high level of competence in the complementary subject areas of business process management and organizational development.

pro accessio

pro accessio has been advising its customers for years in the areas of: strategy and business model development, project management, business process management, organizational development, executive development, change management, knowledge management